Regardless if you are working, blogging or pursuing for money making opportunities online, you need energy to do all the stuff required. Obviously a healthy body is a must in order to maintain the energy required. This is why sometimes I tend to blog about health issue because it really does affect my daily blogging activities. Check out the infographic below for 20 ways to boost your energy. Basically I tend to keep a balance in eating, sleeping and entertainment. Remember to always listen to your body. There are always some symptoms which tell you that rest or change is required. You will have to maintain a good healthy body either physically or mentally to keep on doing your work. Don’t sacrifice your health for your work because it is never actually worth it. Remember that your intention to work in the first place is to have a better life. You won’t have a better life if you do not have a healthy body. If you are trying to make money blogging, sitting too long in front of the monitor is not healthy. You have to get up and take a walk outside often. It will be best if you can adjust your table so that you can blog standing instead of sitting.