After pursuing for money making opportunities online for years via blogging, I tend to develop the habit of making sure that I have enough sleep before I blog. It seems that I can produce better blog post when I have enough sleep. I am able to focus and blog fluently. Words, ideas and content are able to produce easily without having to pause for a long time. In other words, my hands are constantly moving and typing when in best performance. I am able to write a lot of blog posts in just couple of hours. This usually happens when I have enough sleep. This has become the most enjoyable time for me to blog.
When I’m feeling sleepy or not getting enough sleep, I tend to stare at the monitor without doing anything. This is the worst condition I experienced. My brain just seems to be unable to functioning properly. I can’t even write proper sentences without any grammatical error. Thus it is very important to get enough sleep in order to blog normally.
Getting too much sleep is also not a good thing. The senses of laziness will craw all over my body. It just felt the lack of motivation to blog and the mood is just not right to write or blog anything.
If you are trying to pursuit for money making opportunities online via blogging, you need to make sure that you are physically and mentally fit. You need to start by getting proper and right amount of sleep. It might seem easy but can be difficult to achieve especially if you are hoping to get quality sleep.