It is not easy trying to keep up with blogging schedule. Especially if you are trying to produce at least one blog post per day, it is going to take a lot of time and effort to gather enough information for your blog content. Sometimes you might not produce the best blog post due to the lack to time and effort. Sometimes you might even forget to include some important points or content into your blog post. If you happen to have time to go through your previous blog posts, do not hesitate to update or rewrite them. There is always some new information available after several months. Blog posts which are more than a year old are usually outdated. A lot of information which is useful then might not be useful now. Although you are not required to delete them, you are required to provide the latest information. Once you have successfully included updated information, the old blog post will be revived as new post. This is actually a good way to increase the value of your blog without having to produce new blog post. This method is actually very effective to attract Google search engine as the algorithm is constantly looking for good quality blog post.