If you are trying to pursuit for money making opportunities online via blogging, money is not the only thing you will be earning. In fact you will be surprise by many other things which you will be learning and getting when you are working on your blog. You will be learning how to run a small business because you are trying to make money by blogging. That means you will be learning accounts, finance, marketing, cost, budget, banking, customer service and anything related which required making money online successfully. You will also be making friends and connection with a lot of people. Perhaps this is because you learned that you cannot do it alone. You need all the help that you can get. By the end of the day even if you fail to make money online and decided to get a regular job, everything that you learned will still be useful. The information and knowledge you gained can make you a better and well equipped employee. It will make it easy to find a better job. So you don’t have to worry too much about it and just do it. It is definitely worth trying. Besides you may also try to make money online blogging while holding a job. You gain just about the same even if you are blogging part time.